所有的幽默片段大概都被休和查理承包了吧 全程紧凑 开头实在有点跟不上节奏 毕竟有人“硬要”卖一个剧本给你 能怎么办呢 环环相扣 谨慎的人都懂得留后手 6个男人的博弈 or 也可以说是5个 一个黑帮形象也被马修演得几分“黑亦有道” 结尾也是花式碰撞 休叔的局最终玩砸了 Colin口口声声3次交易 还是忍不住附加了一次 正分+1 他的“lads”们却想要去劫车 阴差阳错负分变加分 果然孩子们还是有很多要学的呀 前浪总有不可消弭的理由 A king must be like a king.
Allahu Akbar. Deeply touched by the brotherhood that no one would be left alone, and also impressed by American Air Force Power. But a little confused about why US Army started the Afghanistan war and held on to an outpost in such an obliviously indefensible terrain.