Son, when you grow up,would you be the saviour of the broken, The beaten and the damned?Will you defeat them,your demons, and all the non believers, the plans that they have made?Because one day I'll leave you.A phantom to lead you in the summer,to join the black parade.
弗兰肯斯坦原来是个捡肥皂的故事E4 CP好多道林格雷和chandler搞在一起了贵圈真乱腐女福利E5 I love you enough to kill you. E7钱叔竟然是受...E8Mina就这么挂了老爷子你突然想通了这个剧费这么大劲儿不就是为了找女儿吗老爷子你找到了你女儿竟然就枪毙了她等下季