Just can't help giving it a big thumbs-up for all the cuteness and courageous attempts to uncover the unspeakable shame we all share. Maybe we can solve the problem in one episode, who knows, if we try. Looking forward to seeing how things turn out with Julia.
阿拉伯语里“自由”和“原谅”是一个词 刚巧在看此片前看了The Father.. 哎英雄美人都已迟暮(找卷福来演这个还带着南方口音的美国colonel声音压的好低韩国性感美女主播发现英国演员普遍很会说美音but not the other way around
看到第五集就哭的不行Sam对自己的治疗师说“Most people never try to get me, at least she tried"人生在世有多少人愿意放下自己去了解对方呢